Older And Bolder Season 2 Episode 36: Rocking Her Third Act With Diane Gilman

This Week on Older and Bolder: The Inspiring Journey of Diane Gilman!
Join us for a captivating episode with fashion icon Diane Gilman on "Older and Bolder," hosted by Debbie McCulloch. Discover the thrilling stories behind Diane's rise from a boutique owner in Los Angeles to a celebrated TV personality and author. Relive the moment when Cher herself swept into Diane's boutique, and the transformation of rock and roll fashion with her original designs for legends like Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix.
Diane, now revered as the Queen of Jeans, discusses her pivotal role in redefining denim for the fifty-plus crowd, her experiences on QVC and the Home Shopping Network, and her resilience through personal trials, including her battles with cancer.
As an author of "Good Jeans" and "Too Young to Be Old," Diane reflects on her vibrant third act, sharing lessons in embracing every new day with positivity and gratitude.
Website: https://thedianegilman.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheDianeGilman
YouTube: https://youtube.com/@thedianegilman
Instagram: https://instagram.com/thedianegilman
Recorded in Saskatoon & Rosetown, Saskatchewan
Show producer: Christina Cherneskey Communications
Theme music: ES_By the Neon Sign
Music selections for this show: ES_Lost in Translation - Wendy Marcini, ES_Stay a Little While Longer - Andreas Dahlback, ES_overture - dozeoff, ES_Martini On The Run - Jules Gaia, ES_Spectacles - Dylan Sitts
Voice over: Christina Cherneskey
Original artwork: Jackie Peterson
Artwork developed for digital media pages: Christina Cherneskey